We all know momos are trending nowadays because of its delicious taste. Today I'm preparing it with a wide variety of stuffings as a matter of fact, i end up making these cute looking dumpling with my hands.
The recipe for veg momos is extremely simple and easy to make.
So now lets get started with the recipe.
firstly, in a large mixing bowl take 1½ cup maida and ½ tsp salt then add water and knead dough for at least 5 minutes.Knead to a smooth and soft dough adding water as required.Grease the dough with oil and rest for 30 minutes.
Now our dough for momos is now ready meanwhile, we will prepare stuffing by heating 3 tsp oil and saute 3 clove garlic, 1 inch ginger and 2 chilli. Also, add 2 tbsp spring onion and saute on high flame. Further, add 1 cup carrot and 2 cup cabbage. stir fry on high flame now add ½ tsp pepper and ½ tsp salt. Stir-fry without overcooking vegetables. Additionally, 2 tbsp spring onion and stuffing mixture is ready.
Now our momos are ready to heat. Now heat a steamer and arrange the momos in the tray without touching each other. Furthermore, steam momos for 10-12 minutes or till shiny sheen appears over it .
finally, our veg momos are ready. We can also enjoy the momos with momos chutney.

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